[:es]El International Padel Experience by Madison, patrocinado por Estrella Damm, llega de nuevo a Valladolid, del 29 de junio al 3 de junio.
Las fantásticas instalaciones del Club Raqueta de Valladolid acogerán la quinta prueba del IPE by Madison 2016 ante un público con ganas de disfrutar en su ciudad la magia del pádel amateur.
Para que vayáis preparando con antelación vuestro viaje y aprovechéis al máximo la experiencia del único circuito de pádel amateur internacional os vamos a ofrecer algunos de los lugares que no te puedes perder en Valladolid:

Gracias al International Padel by Madison podrás descubrir ésta y muchas más ciudades con encanto y, por supuesto, practicar tu deporte favorito.
Las plazas son limitadas, por lo que si estás interesado en participar en el Valladolid Open, inscríbete cuanto antes para no perderte este atractivo torneo. Es tan fácil como pinchar en el siguiente enlace y rellenar los datos.
[:en]The International Padel Experience by Madison, sponsored by Estrella Damm, comes back to Valladolid, from June 29 to June 3.
The fantastic facilities Racquet Club Valladolid host the fifth round of IPE by Madison 2016 before an audience eager to enjoy their city amateur magic paddle.
So that you are preparing your trip in advance and to profit the most unique experience of international amateur circuit paddle will offer you some of the places you can not miss in Valladolid:
1.Plaza Mayor: Plaza Mayor of Valladolid is the main meeting point of tourists and vallisoletanos. It was the first rectangular main square of Spain and its structure has been copied in other cities such as Madrid and Salamanca.
2. Campo Grande: The Campo Grande is the largest urban park in Valladolid. The park, known at first as «Field of Truth» was created in the late eighteenth century and since then composes a pleasant oasis where locals and tourists alike love lost.
3. Artillery Academy: Located next to the Campo Grande, the Cavalry Academy of Valladolid came to town in 1852 to be moved from Alcalá de Henares. The Museum of the Cavalry Academy gathers documents, weapons and other items intended to remember the glories of the Spanish Cavalry.
4. Playa de las Moreras: While talking about the beach Valladolid may seem crazy because it is hundreds of kilometers away from the coast, it is a reality because the city has an excellent river beach lapped by the Pisuerga waters. The beach has showers, bathrooms, parking and a friendly bar.
5.La Antigua: The Santa María La Antigua is one of the symbols of Valladolid, a church that stands out for its elegance and beauty. Next to La Antigua are the Cathedral and the University, so it is an area with a university atmosphere which has numerous terraces.
6. Cathedral of Valladolid: The Cathedral of Valladolid, conceived in the XVI century and designed by Juan de Herrera, is famous for being unfinished, hence to be known as «The Unfinished». In the cathedral he is buried Count Ansúrez, considered the founder of Valladolid.
Valladolid is a major tourist destination that you should not miss. It has particular neighborhoods where history and modern melts, besides being a few kilometers from other historic cities and natural areas.
Nor can you lose you its famous tapas, relaxing walks along the river Pisuerga or night vallisoletana always cheerful and elegant.
Thanks to the International Padel by Madison you will discover this and many more charming towns and, of course, practice your favorite sport.
Places are limited, so if you are interested in participating in the Valladolid Open, register as soon as possible to not miss this exciting tournament. It’s as easy as clicking on the link below and fill in the details.