[:es]Paquito Navarro te invita a participar en el International Padel Experience by Madison[:en]Paquito Navarro invites you to take part in the International Padel Experience by Madison[:]

[:es]Comienza la cuenta atrás, estamos a un mes del comienzo del International Padel Experience by Madison, el único circuito internacional de pádel amateur. Ya conocemos el calendario al completo con todas las sedes y torneos que van a tener lugar en el International Padel Experience by Madison.

Francisco Navarro, número 3 del ránking World Padel Tour,  y uno de los principales emblemas de Bullpadel, patrocinador oficial del IPE by Madison, ha querido mandarnos un mensaje en el que nos invita a seguir atentamente todas las noticias y novedades que se publican en la web oficial del torneo http://internationalpadel.com/ y en las redes sociales Twitter @Padel_Challenge y Facebook https://www.facebook.com/InternationalPadelExperience/.IMG_7310

[:en]The countdown begins, we are to a month of the beginning of the International Padel Experience by Madison, the international circuit of pádel amateur. We know already the complete calendar to the  one with all the cities and torunaments of the International Padel Experience by Madison.

Francisco Navarro, number 3 of the World Padel Tour ranking, and one of the principal emblems of Bullpadel, sponsoring official of the International Padel Experience by Madison, has wanted to send us a message inviting us to follow attentivly all the news and innovations that are published in the official website of the International Padel Experience http: // internationalpadel.com/and in the social networks Twitter @Padel_Challenge and Facebook https: // www.facebook.com/InternationalPadelExperience/.IMG_7310[:]